Wild Indigo Duskywing
Erynnis baptisiae

Wingspan is1 3/8 - 1 5/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Zarucco Duskywing
Horace's Duskywing
Juvenal's Duskywing (spring only)
Mottled Duskywing (rare)

Dry places, sand and dirt roads, powerline clearings, openings in longleaf pine/scrub oak woods. In the mountains openings in woods where Crown Vetch grows abundantly.

Uncommon to locally common in the mountains. Uncommon to rare in the piedmont and coastal plain.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from late March until mid October in three broods with gaps between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Wild Indigo Baptisia tinctoria, Wild Blue Indigo B. australis,
Crown Vetch Coronilla varia, Lupine Lupinus perennis and False Lupine Thermopsis villosa

This species is very hard to tell from the less common Zarucco Duskywing which flies at the same times and in most of the same places. Since Zarucco Duskywing is not normally found in the mountains, it makes getting the identification much easier in the mountains.

The top photo was taken at the Occoneechee State Preserve in Orange Co., NC on June 21, 2003. The second photo was taken inside Hill Forest along the Flat River in Durham Co., NC on June 18, 2004. The third photo was taken inside Hill Forest along the Flat River in Durham Co., NC on June 07, 2004. The bottom photo was taken in Smyth Co., VA on July 20, 2002.

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Start > Species List > Skippers > Wild Indigo Duskywing
Wild Indigo Duskywing, Erynnis baptisiae (female)
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Wild Indigo Duskywing, Erynnis baptisiae
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Wild Indigo Duskywing, Erynnis baptisiae (male)
Wild Indigo Duskywing, Erynnis baptisiae (female)

All images are the copyright of Randy Emmitt. Please request permission or purchase a license to use these images for anything other than personal use. Visit these links for inquiries on image licensing and CD purchases. Also visit our website at rlephoto.carolinanature.com