Dainty Sulphur
Nathalis iole

Wingspan is 1 - 1 1/4 inches.

Similar Species:
Barred Yellow

Open disturbed areas and fields. Mainly from the mid-western US.

Very rare stray to the region. Sometimes it is years if not a decade between sightings.

Flight Period:
Adults fly in late summer and fall in the region.

Larval Host Plants:
Members of the aster family Asteraceae especially Shepherd's Needle Bidens pilosa, Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale and Common Chickweed Stellaria media.

Usually this tiny sulphur is very greenish.
Not known to establish colonies in our region.

The above Dainty Sulphur was one of five found in Mecklenburg Co., NC in mid October 2002. Hopefully more butterfliers will be on the look out for this tiny migrant butterfly. The photo at right was taken in Polk Co., FL on November 11, 2001.

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Dainty Sulphur,Nathalis iole
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Dainty Sulphur,Nathalis iole

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