Acknowledgements and Credits
A special thanks to Clyde Kessler for his immense help with editing.
The following photographers kindly provided these additional photographs. Many thanks for their contributions to this project.

Dr. James K. Adams

James provided a Green Comma photo and help on the quizzes.
James's websites
Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
Southern Lepidopterists' Society Website:
Tim Adams Tim provided these photos:
Viola's Wood-Satyr, Soldier and Cofaqui Giant-Skipper.
Tim Adams also helped on the butterfly quizzes.
Sharon Brown Sharon provided a Viola's Wood-Satyr photo.
Sharon's website:

Nature photography from the ACE Basin region of coastal South Carolina.
Will Cook Will provided a lot of help in many ways on this project; we have been on many trips together searching for rare butterflies to photograph. Will also provided these photos: Harvester, Early Hairstreak, Delaware Skipper, Palatka Skipper and Dusky Roadside-Skipper.
Will's websites:
Will Cook's Photos
North Carolina Butterfly Photos
Carolyn Fields Carolyn provided all the
Milbert's Tortoiseshell photos.
Bruce Grimes Bruce provided Green Comma and Oak Hairstreak photos.
He also helped with advice and editing.
Robert Grosek Robert "Bob" provided these photos:
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail, Northern Crescent, and Funereal Duskywing.
Dave Hanson Dave provided a lot of help in many ways on this project; we have been on several trips together in south Texas searching for rare butterflies to photograph. Dave also provided the Olympia Marble photos.
Dave has a company called Cyber-Tex Imaging- he offers wonderful
Butterfly CD's for South Texas' Rio Grande Valley and Upper Wisconsin.
Contact Dave at to purchase
Ed Lam Ed provided these photos:
Bog Copper, Oak Hairstreak, Hoary Elfin, Hessel's Hairstreak, Silver-bordered Fritillary and Pecks Skipper.
Ed's website features Dragonflies, Damselflies, Butterflies and Birds and Fauna.
Ed also has a book "Damselflies of the Northeast" it is a must buy IMO
Tom Lewis Tom provided these photos:
Gorgone Checkerspot, Goatweed Leafwing and Bell's Roadside-Skipper.
Derrick Marvin

Derrick provided these photos:
Hoary Elfin and Green Comma.

Cindy Mead Cindy provided a photo of the Northern Crescent.
Cindy's website:
Cindy Mead's Photo Galleries
Bob Moul Bob provided these photos:
Zebra Swallowtail, Cabbage White, Eastern Tailed-Blue, Tawny Emperor, Pecks Skipper and Dun Skipper.
Bob's website features Butterflies of PA, Wild Birds, Odonates, Wild Flowers and Fauna. This is a must see site.
Main site:
Tom Murray Tom provided these photos:
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail , Bog Copper and all the Two-spotted Skippers.
Tom's website features: All kinds of nature subjects. This is a must see site.
Jeffery Pippen

Jeff provided a lot of help in many ways on this project; we have been on many trips together searching for rare butterflies to photograph and he helped with the duskywings. Jeff also provided a Tropical Checkered Skipper photo.
Jeff's websites:
Jeff's Nature Home Page
North Carolina Butterflies
Carolinaleps Listserve: Great for learning butterflies!

Roger Rittmaster Roger provided a lot of help in many ways on this project; we have been on many trips together searching for rare butterflies to photograph.
Roger provided the dorsal Carolina Satyr photo.
Jane Ruffin Jane provided these photos:
Regal Fritillary, Goatweed Leafwing and Grizzled Skipper.
Gayle Strickland Gayle provided a Dusky Roadside-Skipper photo.
Gayle's website features Damselflies, Dragonflies, Butterflies and Skippers.
G & J Strickland
Rob Van Epps Rob provided these photos:
Hayhurst's Scallopwing and Brazilian Skipper.
These internet resources are extremely helpful in learning butterflies: Notes on the Butterflies of North Carolina the Twelfth Approximation (a must have downloadable PFD file on all the species known to the Carolinas), Butterflies of North Carolina, Butterflies of South Carolina, Butterflies of Virginia and Butterflies of West Virginia.

Also these internet listserve's are valuable resources for learning butterflies:

Carolinaleps Listserve An E mail group that covers butterflies and moths in both the Carolinas.
Valeps Listserve An E mail group that covers butterflies and moths in Virginia.
TILS-leps-talk The International Lepidoptera Survey (TILS) All topics related to Lepidoptera are welcome!

Several books were also very useful in compiling this CD book they include: Butterflies through Binoculars The East by Jeffrey Glassberg, The Butterflies of West Virginia and Their Caterpillars by Thomas J Allen, Butterflies of North America by Jim P. Brock and Kenn Kaufman, A Field Guide to Eastern Butterflies by Paul A. Opler and illustrated by Vichai Malikul and National Audubon Society Field Guide to Butterflies by Robert Michael Pyle.

Without the patient and expert help from Ron Gatrelle, Clyde Kessler, Harry LeGrand, Harry Pavulaan and Jeffrey Pippen this CD would never have been possible. Special thanks goes out to all these people that have helped me in pursuit learning about, finding and photographing butterflies: Bob and Nancy Baldwin, Bob Barber, Brian Bockhahn, Dennis Burnette, Charles Cameron, Derb Carter, Rick Cech, Will Cook, Ken Davenport, John Dole, Chris Durden, Tom Fiore, Dennis Forsythe, Jules Fraytet, Sharon Funderburk, Greg Georges, Jeffery Glassberg, Bruce Grimes, Bob Grosek, Alex Grkovich, Dave Hanson, John Hanyak, Paul Hart, Scott Hartley, Chris Helms, Tom Howard, Tom and Janet Krakauer, Tom Lewis, Jim Notke, Mike Quinn, Roger Rittmaster, Joshua Rose, Lynn Smith and Mike Smith.

Glaeshia O'Rourke helped in many ways, mainly on pushing me to finish this CD, advice, editing and marketing. Jake Bromberg provided help and advice to make sure the CD would work with MAC computers.