Barred Yellow
Eurema daira

Wingspan is 1 - 1 3/8 inches.

Similar Species:
Dainty Sulphur
Little Yellow

Dry disturbed areas, scrubs and fields. Mainly from the deep south and mid-western US.

Very rare stray to the region.

Flight Period:
Adults fly in late summer or fall in the region.

Larval Host Plants:
Members of the pea family Fabaceae including Pencil Flower Stylosanthes biflora, joint vetches Aeschynomene spp. Not known to colonize in the region.

Might be overlooked as a Little Yellow, in flight Barred Yellow has as much weaker flight.

The top photo was taken in Polk Co., FL on November 11, 2001. The second and bottom photos were taken along US1 in the Florida Keys on January 24, 2002.

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Start > Species List > Sulphurs > Barred Yellow
Barred Yellow, Eurema daira
Winter form on Spanish Needles Bidens spp.
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Barred Yellow, Eurema daira
Barred Yellow, Eurema daira (mated pair)
Courting Barred Yellows in flight.

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