Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice

Wingspan is 1 1/2 - 2 3/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Orange Sulphur
Pink-edged Sulphur (WV mtns. only)
Southern Dogface (rare)

Open areas, meadows, cultivated fields, roadsides and gardens.

Common to abundant in most of the region. Uncommon in the coastal plain and most of SC except in the western mountains.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from early March until late November in four broods without a noticeable gap between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Alfalfa Medicago sativa, White Clover Trifolium repens, Red Clover Trifolium pratense and Rabbitfoot Clover Trifolium arvense.

Clouded Sulphur is not an easy species to tell apart from Orange Sulphur at all. It takes lots of close study to see the difference and once in a while you might still have problems telling them apart.

In early spring they are the most difficult because both species are much greener than later broods when Orange Sulphur is much more orange.

Females often have a white "albino" form see the Comparison Page.

The top photo was taken in Durham Co., NC on March 14, 2002. The second photo was taken in Franklin Co., NC on April 24, 2002. The third photo was taken in Granville Co., NC during April 1999. The bottom photo was taken in Clermont Co., OH on August 28, 2003.

Orange Sulphur and Clouded Sulphur
Comparison Page.

Start > Species List > Sulphurs

Start > Species List > Sulphurs > Clouded Sulphur
Clouded Sulphur, Colias philodice (spring male)
Here the lighting permits you to see the black margin on the forewing,
note the margin runs even with the row of black dots. This is the only
real way to tell it apart from a Orange Sulphur by sight alone.

This is a typical fall Clouded Sulphu
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Clouded Sulphur, Colias philodice (mated pair)
Mated pair.
Notice that the greenish female is a bit larger and the yellow spots
in the forewing margins are very small.
These are typical spring Clouded Sulphurs.

Clouded Sulphur, Colias philodice (female)

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