Bell's Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes belli
Wingspan is 1 3/16 - 1 1/4 inch.
Similar Species:
Common Roadside-Skipper
Dusky Roadside-Skipper
Open grassy areas, along creeks and waterways, moist woods, woodland openings
and edges.
Rare in northwestern
SC and could be expected in western NC at lower elevations. Not recorded
in the Virginias.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from April until late September in three broods with gaps between
Larval Host Plants:
Indian Woodoats Grass Chasmanthium latifolia
This skipper looks very similar to the Common
Roadside-Skipper. Both skippers are small and a real good look
would be required to tell the two apart.
This photo was provided by Tom
Lewis and was taken in Montgomery Co., AR.
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List > Skippers