Southern Broken-Dash
Wallengrenia otho

Wingspan is 1 - 1 3/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Northern Broken Dash
Black Dash (rare and northern)

Moist woodland edges, wet savannas, edges of marshes and rivers, pocosins, swamps and power line clearings.

Common in the southern coastal plain and eastern piedmont. Uncommon to rare in the western piedmont and mountains.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from mid May until late September in two broods with a gap between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Grasses including St. Augustine Grass Stenotaphrum secundatum

This is another difficult species to learn. The reddish-brown color and the large pale smudge in the center of the hindwing help make it easy to identify.

The top photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on August 09, 2002. The second photo was taken at Croatan National Forest in Carteret Co., NC on May 26, 2003. The bottom photo was taken in Moore Co., NC June 06, 2003.

Start > Species List > Skippers

Start > Species List > Skippers > Southern Broken-Dash
Southern Broken-Dash, Wallengrenia otho
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Southern Broken-Dash, Wallengrenia otho (male above)
Male above.
Southern Broken-Dash, Wallengrenia otho (female above)
Female above.

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