Least Skipper
Ancyloxypha numitor

Wingspan is 7/8 - 1 1/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Southern Skipperling (coastal plain only)
European Skipper (summer only in WV)

Wet grassy areas, marshes, pond edges, wet savannas and places with tall damp grass.

Common to abundant in most of the region.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from mid April until late October in three broods with gaps between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Grasses including Marsh Millet Zizaniopsis miliacea, Rice Cutgrass Leersia oryzoides, and Cultivated Rice Oryza sativa.

This very small skipper can be identified in flight by its slow weak flight. Finding it in the field is usually easy. Just walk through tall damp grass and look closely at the ground below you.

The top photo was taken in Brunswick Co., NC on August 23, 2003 . The center photo was taken in Durham Co., NC on August 17, 2003. The bottom photo was taken in Brunswick Co., NC on June 22, 2003.


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Least Skipper, Ancyloxypha numitor
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Least Skipper, Ancyloxypha numitor

Least Skipper, Ancyloxypha numitor

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