Southern Skipperling
Copaeodes minima

Wingspan is 5/8 - 7/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Least Skipper

Weedy lawns, savannas, open fields, woodland edges and roadsides. In drier short grassy areas of the coastal plain.

Common to uncommon in the southern coastal plain and sandhills, perhaps overlooked. Not found in WV.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from mid April until late November in up to four broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Bermuda Grass Cynodon dactylon

This skipperling is so small it can be easily overlooked. It flies faster than Least Skipper and is mostly orange above.

These photos were taken in south Texas, where the Southern Skipperlings
tended to nectar taller flowers than they do in the Carolinas where they are
always near the ground.


The top photo was taken in Hidalgo Co., TX on December 08, 2004. The second and bottom photos were taken in Hidalgo Co., TX on December 11, 2004.

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Start > Species List > Skippers > Southern Skipperling
Southern Skipperling, Copaeodes minima
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Southern Skipperling, Copaeodes minima
Southern Skipperling, Copaeodes minima

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