Clouded Skipper
Lerema accius

Wingspan is 1 1/4 - 1 3/4 inches.

Similar Species:

Zabulon Skipper (female)
Dun Skipper
Dusted Skipper (in spring)
Ocola Skipper (in late summer/fall)

Open areas, damp grassy areas, gardens, power lines, and woodland edges.

Common to abundant in the piedmont and coastal plain. Uncommon in the mountains with only a few records in WV.

Flight Period:
Adults fly in several broods from early April until early November. It can be much more common in late summer and fall.

Larval Host Plants:
St. Augustine Grass Stenotaphrum secundatum, Wooly Beard Grass Erianthus alopecturoides, and Echinochloa povietianum.

This plain brown skipper usually is the first skipper seen in the morning as it likes damp grass. It becomes more common in late summer and fall and can be confused with Ocola Skipper which has a very long forewing.

The top photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on June 24, 2002. The center photo was taken in Pickens Co., SC on May 03, 2003. The third photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on September 07, 2003. The bottom photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on October 15, 2003.


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Start > Species List > Skippers > Clouded Skipper
Clouded Skipper, Lerema accius
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Clouded Skipper, Lerema accius (male)
Clouded Skipper, Lerema accius (female)

Clouded Skipper, Lerema accius

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