Little Wood Satyr
Megisto cymela

Wingspan is 1 3/8 - 1 7/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Carolina Satyr
Appalachian Brown
Viola's Wood Satyr (southern SC only)

Upland sites, old fields, woodlands, clearings, roadsides and trails. It likes grassy open woods.

Common in most of the region. Less common in the coastal regions.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from mid April until early September in two broods. They tend to be more common from mid May through mid July.

Larval Host Plants:
Grasses including Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerata and Centipede Grass Eremochloa ophiuroides

This medium-sized satyr can be quite common on cloudy days when other butterflies wouldn't be flying.

The eye-spots can be quite variable in size. The Viola's Wood Satyr might be found in the southern portions of SC in the region where both species might be found flying together in the spring.

The top photo was taken in Durham Co., NC on May 15, 2002. The second photo was taken in Jones Co., NC during May of 2000. The bottom photo was taken in Caswell Co., NC on May 31, 2001.

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Little Wood Satyr, Megisto cymela
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Little Wood Satyr, Megisto cymela
Little Wood Satyr, Megisto cymela

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