Viola's Wood-Satyr
Megisto viola

Wingspan is 1 11/16 - 1 15/16 inches.

Similar Species:

Little Wood Satyr
Carolina Satyr
Appalachian Brown

Grassy open woods and edges of woods.

Rare in the extreme southeastern SC. Not recorded in the other states covered in this region.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from Late March until late May in a single brood.

Larval Host Plants:
Grasses including Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerata and Centipede Grass Eremochloa ophiuroides

Viola’s is very hard to tell from the common Little Wood Satyr in the spring. Viola's is slightly larger and more boldly marked than Little Wood Satyr. It could be found a bit further north in SC, but telling the two species apart where they overlap is very difficult.

These photos were provided by Tim Adams and Sharon L Brown.

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Viola's Wood-Satyr, Megisto viola
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Viola's Wood-Satyr, Megisto viola

All images are the copyright of Tim Adams and Sharon L Brown. Please request permission or purchase a license to use these images for anything other than personal use. Visit these links for inquiries on image licensing and CD purchases. Also visit our website at