Two-spotted Skipper
Euphyes bimacula

Wingspan is 1 1/4- 1 5/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Berry's Skipper

Wet acidic sites with sedges including bogs, marshes and stream sides.

Extremely rare in the entire region. Much more common in the northern states.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from May until August in two broods with a gap between broods. More data is needed.

Larval Host Plants:
Hairyfruit sedge Carex trichocarpa

This species is very hard to find as the habitat is usually extremely difficult to access and the sites where it's found are very localized.

I might have seen Two-spotted Skipper in Francis Marion National Forest once, but it was so worn I couldn't be 100% sure. When worn this species in very hard to identify.

These photos were provided by Tom Murray and were taken in Petersham, MA

Start > Species List > Skippers

Start > Species List > Skippers > Two-spotted Skipper
Two-spotted Skipper, Euphyes bimacula
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Two-spotted Skipper, Euphyes bimacula  (female)
Two-spotted Skipper, Euphyes bimacula  (male)

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