Cobweb Skipper
Hesperia metea

Wingspan is 1 1/8 - 1 3/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Sachem (female)

Power line clearings, brushy open fields and woodland edges. Tends to be found in dry, browned out areas where one might not look for butterflies.

Rare to uncommon in the sandhills and piedmont. Very rare in the mountains or under-surveyed due to the early spring flight.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from early April until early May in a single brood.

Larval Host Plants:
Grasses including Little Bluestem Andropogon scoparius and Big Bluestem A. gerardi

This rare skipper is often overlooked or the proper habitat to find it is ignored.

The top and second photos were taken at Raven Rock State Park in Harnett Co., NC on April 19, 2003. The third photo was taken in Pickens Co., SC on May 03, 2003. The bottom photo was taken in Franklin Co., NC on April 27, 2003.


Start > Species List > Skippers

Start > Species List > Skippers > Cobweb Skipper
Cobweb Skipper, Hesperia metea
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Cobweb Skipper, Hesperia metea (male)
Male above.
Cobweb Skipper, Hesperia metea (female)
Female above on blackberry flowers.
Cobweb Skipper, Hesperia metea
Worn individual with reduced markings on a blackberry flower.

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