Southern Cloudywing
Thorybes bathyllus

Wingspan is 1 5/16 - 1 7/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Northern Cloudywing
Confused Cloudywing (rare)

Power line clearings, gardens, old fields, roadsides, pine/oak scrub and woodland borders. Prefers dry places over wet places.

Common in the coastal plain, sandhills and most of the piedmont. Rare to uncommon in the mountains.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from early April until early October in two broods with a slight gap between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Legumes including beggar's ticks Desmodium, bush clover Lespedeza, clover Trifolium, milkvetch Astragalus, fuzzybean Strophostyles, and wild bean Glycine.

Sometimes all three species of cloudywing can be seen together in the sandhills. Northern Cloudywing is found in the same places as Southern Cloudywing and in the spring they are more difficult to tell apart as both species are poorly marked in the spring.

The whitish patch on the bend of the antennal club and whitish face are the best way to tell Southern Cloudywing from Northern Cloudywing.

The top and second photos were taken in Scotland Co., NC on April 20,2003. The third photo was taken in Caswell Co., NC on August 04, 2002. The bottom photo was taken in Caswell Co., NC on July 30, 2004.


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Start > Species List > Skippers > Southern Cloudywing
Southern Cloudywing, Thorybes bathyllus
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Southern Cloudywing, Thorybes bathyllus
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Southern Cloudywing, Thorybes bathyllus
A boldly marked individual
on a zinnia.
Southern Cloudywing, Thorybes bathyllus

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