Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria selene

Wingspan is 1 3/8 - 2 1/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Meadow Fritillary

Tall wet grassy areas, wet meadows and bogs.

Rare in the mountains of VA and WV.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from May until September in two to three broods with gaps between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Violets including Viola glabella and V. nephrophylla

This small fritillary likes tall grasses and wetter areas than the more common Meadow Fritillary. These photos took a great deal of effort, chasing such fast fliers through waist high grass.

The top and second photos were taken in Highland Co., VA on June 25, 2003. The third and bottom photos were provided by Ed Lam.

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Start > Species List > Fritillaries > Silver-bordered Fritillary
Silver-bordered Fritillary, Boloria selene
Mouse over the above image to see identification marks.
Silver-bordered Fritillary, Boloria selene
Mouse over the above image to see identification marks.
Silver-bordered Fritillary, Boloria selene
Silver-bordered Fritillary, Boloria selene

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