Silvery Checkerspot
Chlosyne nycteis

Wingspan is 1 3/8 - 1 7/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Pearl Crescent (smaller)
Harris' Checkerspot (rare)
Gorgone Checkerspot (rare)
Northern Crescent (very rare)

Wet woodlands, gardens, roadsides and adjacent damp areas.

Uncommon to common in the mountains and foothills. Rare in most of the piedmont and SC.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from May until early September in three broods with gaps between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Wingstem Verbesina alternifolia, sunflowers Helianthus including Thinleaved Sunflower Helianthus decapetalus, Pale-leaved Sunflower H. strumosus and Jerusalem Artichoke H. tuberosus

This is the region's most common larger checkerspot and the only one found in the foothills and piedmont. In the northern mountains the rare and single-brooded Gorgone Checkerspot and Harris' Checkerspot (Virginias only) might occur along with it.

The top and center photos were taken on the Durham Butterfly Count in Orange Co., NC on August 17, 2002. The second rollover photo was taken in the Green Bottoms Wildlife Management Area in Cabell Co., WV on August 27, 2002. The bottom photo was taken in Bedford Co., VA on July 13, 2002.

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Start > Species List > True Brush-foots > Silvery Checkerspot
Silvery Checkerspot, Chlosyne nycteis
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Silvery Checkerspot, Chlosyne nycteis
Mouse over the above image to see another Silvery Checkerspot
Silvery Checkerspot, Chlosyne nycteis

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