Eastern Tailed-Blue
Everes comyntas

Wingspan is 3/4 - 1 inch.

Similar Species:

Spring Azure
Summer Azure

Open areas, power line cuts, roadsides, woodland clearings, disturbed areas and grassy fields.

Common to abundant in the entire region.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from early April until late October in four to five broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Alfalfa Medicago sativa, Beggar's Tick Desmodium spp., Bush clovers , Lespedeza spp., Red Clover Trifolium pratense, vetches Vicia spp. and Yellow Sweet Clover Melilotus officinalis.

These blues tend to fly closer to the ground when compared to azures that might be flying nearby. They also tend to like drier places than azures. Eastern Tailed-Blue also tend to often perch with their wings open. Azures rarely open their wings while perched.

The first and second photos were taken in Orange Co., NC on April 09, 2002. The third photo was taken by Bob Moul in PA. The third rollover image was taken in Radford, VA on July 02, 2000. The bottom photo was taken in Montgomery Co., VA on June 22, 2002.

Start > Species List > Blues >

Start > Species List > Blues > Eastern Tailed-Blue
Eastern Tailed-Blue, Everes comyntas
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Eastern Tailed-Blue, Everes comyntas
Male, notice the single faint orange spot.
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Eastern Tailed-Blue, Everes comyntas (female)
Summer form female Eastern-Tailed Blue is charcoal gray.
Mouse over to see spring form female.
Females have 2 orange spots on hindwing when seen from above.
Eastern Tailed-Blue, Everes comyntas
Mated pair, female on the left male on the right.

All images are the copyright of Randy Emmitt and Bob Moul. Please request permission or purchase a license to use these images for anything other than personal use. Visit these links for inquiries on image licensing and CD purchases. Also visit our website at rlephoto.carolinanature.com