Checkered White
Pontia protodice

Wingspan is 1 1/4 - 1 3/4 inches.

Similar Species:
Cabbage White

Disturbed fields, alfalfa fields and waste lots. Mainly found in small local colonies if you know where to look.

Rare with small colonies sparsely through out the region.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from April until November in three or more broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Wild Peppergrasses Lepidium denseiflorum and L. virginicum, Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursapastoris

Declining through out the entire eastern US, habitat loss and competition with the Cabbage White butterfly are likely the causes.

Even though there's lots of great habitat for this species in the region it's rarely found.

The top and second photos were taken at Duke Gardens in Durham Co., NC on August 17, 2003. The third and bottom photos were taken during the Wake County Butterfly Count in Wake Co., NC on July 24, 1999.

Start > Species List > Whites




Start > Species List > Whites > Checkered White
Checkered White, Pontia protodice (female)
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Checkered White, Pontia protodice (female)
Checkered White, Pontia protodice (female)
Female nectaring on Sneezeweed Helenium spp.
Checkered White, Pontia protodice (male)

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