White Checkered-Skipper
Pyrgus communis albescens
Wingspan is 1 - 1 1/4 inches.
Similar Species:
Common Checkered-Skipper
Tropical Checkered-Skipper
Open areas including lawns, old fields, powerlines and meadows. Once only
known to the southwestern US. Now found in the southern edge of the region
and perhaps further north.
Likely common in southern SC although more data
is needed.
Flight Period:
Adults fly from early March until late November in three broods with slight
gaps between broods.
Larval Host Plants:
Mallow family Malvaceae
Common Checkered-Skipper is noticeably larger and less white. The larger
size difference is more noticeable in the females.
In the past 10+ years research has shown that in northern Florida and
Georgia the White Checkered-Skipper has replaced the Common
Checkered-Skipper and it is impossible by sight to tell them apart
without dissecting the male and looking at its sex organs. Recently Ron
Gatrelle has found them in southeastern SC; and they are expected to move
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