Striped Hairstreak
Satyrium liparops

Wingspan is 1 - 1 1/4 inches.

Similar Species:

Banded Hairstreak
King's Hairstreak

Woodland edges, brushy areas, around highbush blueberry, mountain top openings, shady swamps and bogs. In the coastal plain around wetland forests and sunny openings.

Rare to very rare in the Carolinas. In the Virginias less rare to uncommon.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from mid May until mid July in a single brood.

Larval Host Plants:
Plants in the families of Heath Ericaceae and Rose Rosaceae. These plants include Blueberries Vaccinium spp. and Black Cherry Prunus serotina

This single-brooded hairstreak is hard to find, look for it nectaring on Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Dogbane Apocynum cannabinum and Butterflyweed Asclepias tuberosa.

These photos were taken along the Lumber River in Columbus Co., NC on May 17, 2003.

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Striped Hairstreak, Satyrium liparops
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Striped Hairstreak, Satyrium liparops

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