Coral Hairstreak
Satyrium titus

Wingspan is 1 - 1 1/4 inches.

Similar Species:

No other tailless hairstreaks in the region.

Old fields, woodland borders, brushy thickets and power line clearings.

Uncommon to nearly common in the central and eastern piedmont. Uncommon in the sandhills and in the western piedmont. Rare in the mountains.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from late May until mid July in a single brood.

Larval Host Plants:
Black Cherry Prunus serotina, Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana and Wild Plums Prunus spp.

This single-brooded hairstreak is somewhat common some years and rare other years. The Coral Hairstreak really favors nectaring on Butterflyweed Asclepias tuberosa.

The top photo was taken in Montgomery Co., VA on June 22, 2002. The second photo was taken in Lee Co., NC on June 02, 2002. The second rollover photo was taken in Caswell Co., NC on June 21, 2001. The bottom photo was taken in Radford, VA on July 07, 2003.

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Start > Species List > Hairstreaks > Coral Hairstreak

Coral Hairstreak, Satyrium titus (male)
Mouse over the above image to see identification keys.
Notice how pointed the apex of the forewing is, this indicates it's a male.
Coral Hairstreak, Satyrium titus
On Dogbane Apocynum cannabinum.
Mouse over above image to see another Coral Hairstreak.
Coral Hairstreak, Satyrium titus (female)
See how rounded the apex of the forewing is, this indicates it’s a female.

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