Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui

Wingspan is 2 - 2 1/4 inches.

Similar Species:

American Lady

Fields, meadows, roadsides and gardens.

Uncommon in the entire region. This migratory butterfly can be common some years and others not so common, if not absent entirely.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from mid April until November in two broods.

Larval Host Plants:
Thistles Cirsium spp., mallows Malvaceae including Common Mallow Malva neglecta and Hollyhock Althaea spp.

Painted Lady is perhaps the most widespread butterfly in the world.

On the underside look for the four tiny eye-spots on the hindwing, the American Lady has two larger eye-spots.

Some years only a handful of this species is found in the entire region. In 2001 the reports were widespread and record numbers of Painted Ladies were found.

The top photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on May 25, 2001. The center photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on October 03, 2003. The bottom photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on August 12, 2001.

Start > Species List > True Brush-foots

Start > Species List > True Brush-foots > Painted Lady
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui
Mouse over the above image to see identification marks.
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui
Mouse over the above image to see identification marks.
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui

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