Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta

Wingspan is 1 3/4 - 2 1/4 inches.

Similar Species:


Fields, meadows, roadsides, stream banks and gardens.

Common and widespread in the entire region. This species is known to migrate in large numbers some years.

Flight Period:
Adults fly from early April until early November in two to three broods with gaps between broods.

Larval Host Plants:
False Nettle Boehmeria cylindrica, Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica, Wild Nettle U. gracilis and Wood Nettle Laportea canadensis.

The Red Admiral is considered to be one of the fastest flying butterflies. It is territorial and will defend the territory by attacking whoever comes by. They will approach cars, people or other insects. It rarely nectars and can be found on tree sap, carrion and rotten fruit.

The top photo was taken in Gates Co., NC on September 21, 2000. The top rollover photo was taken in Page Co., VA on June 16, 2001. The center photo was taken in Durham Co., NC during June of 2000. The center rollover photo was taken in Grant Co., WV on July 05, 2001. The bottom photo was taken in the Green Bottoms Wildlife Management Area in Cabell Co., WV on August 27, 2002.

Start > Species List > True Brush-foots

Start > Species List > True Brush-foots > Red Admiral
Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
Mouse over the above image to see another Red Admiral.
Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta  on Buttonbush
Mouse over the above image to see another Red Admiral.
Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
Freshly emerged Red Admiral on False Nettle.

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