Question Mark
Polygonia interrogationis
Fall (orange) form
See Summer (black) form

Wingspan is 2 3/8 - 2 5/8 inches.

Similar Species:

Eastern Comma

Woodlands, roadsides, stream banks, orchards and adjacent open areas.

Common in most of the region. Uncommon in the coastal plain areas and higher elevations in the mountains.

Flight Period:
All year in the region because it overwinters as an adult. In winter, it is found only during warming spells. Usually most active during spring and fall.

Larval Host Plants:
Elm Ulmus spp., hackberry Celtis spp., False Nettle Boehmeria cylindrica and nettles Urtica spp.

Question Marks are very fast fliers. They tend to keep territories that they defend often with attacks to anyone or anything that passes. Afterward they will return to the same perch most of the time.

Question Marks will readily visit dung, tree sap and rotting fruit. Often found at fruit trees when rotten fruits are present. They also visit compost piles, puddles and fruit used for bait like melon rinds, rotten apples, peaches or pears.

There are two forms of Question Mark fall (orange) form and summer (black) form, see photos at right for fall (orange) form.

The top photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on September 09, 2000. The second photo was taken in Durham Co., NC on February 20, 2001. The third photo was taken in Richland Co., SC on October 25, 2002. The fourth photo was taken in Brown Co., OH on October 03, 2001. The fourth rollover photo was taken in Orange Co., NC on September 09, 2000.

Start > Species List > True Brush-foots

Start > Species List > True Brush-foots > Question Mark
Fall or orange form Question Mark
Fall (orange) form Question Mark.
Mouse over the above image to see identification marks.
Question Mark, Polygonia interrogationis
Fall (orange) form that had wintered over.
Fall or orange form Question Mark
Fresh fall (orange) form Question Mark.
Mouse over the above image to see identification marks.
Fall or orange form Question Mark has some unusual types.
Fresh fall (orange) form Question Mark on frost aster.

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